Donors make a difference. What $25-$250 can do.

When you contribute to FMR, you provide the resources needed to protect the Mighty Mississippi as well as our precious bluff-top prairies, floodplain forests and riverfront parks.
You can take pride in helping protect critical habitat for wildlife, engaging new river stewards and improving water quality in our community and for our friends downstream.
How your generosity is effectively put to good use:
$25 — Allows us to purchase and plant two burr oaks to help restore the Mississippi River’s watershed. These trees create a healthy habitat for wildlife and help create a beautiful space for all to recreate and relax, for this generation and the next.
$50 — Buys pizza for our busy office volunteers, providing the sustenance they need to assemble new member packets and assist with other important administrative work. FMR relies on an army of energetic volunteers to get projects done!
$75 — Provides a new, reusable, stenciling kit for volunteers to mark storm drains with the message to remind folks to, "Keep 'em Clean – Drains to River!" Unlike household water systems, storm drains flow directly into our local waters, depositing whatever they pick up along the way — pesticides, motor oil, fertilizer, pet waste — directly to the nearest river or lake.
$100 — Supports a community watershed workshop packed with information about lawn and garden care, composting, rain gardens, rain barrels, native landscaping and other topics that raise awareness of steps each of us can take to protect the Big River.
$250 — Purchases and plants 2 pounds of diverse native prairie seed, like that used in fall 2017 in the protection of 347 acres along the Mississippi River at William H. Houlton Conservation Area in Elk River.
These deep prairie root systems help filter pollutants from runoff waters before they can enter the nearby Elk and Mississippi Rivers, and the resulting grasses and wildflowers provide important habitat for pollinators and other wildlife.
Thank you to all our members for helping us do the important work to protect the river. If you are not a member, please consider joining a community of river supporters dedicated to ensuring a healthy river and community.